Is Your Business Prepared for the End of Windows 10? We’re Here to Help!

IT Support Specialist Ann Arbor

Have you upgraded to Windows 11 yet?

If you haven’t updated yet, know that you’re not alone. According to statistics, Windows 10 is still used by 69% of all Windows users. 
What’s holding everyone back? 

First, aside from being new, there really aren’t many compelling reasons for users to upgrade if their existing systems that are running on Windows 10 are still working well. Even though this upgrade is free, many people have chosen to put it off. 

Another reason is that many devices are not compatible with this new upgrade. Systems with older CPUs or systems without a TPM security module are not supported by Windows 11 and will need to be replaced before October of 2025 when Windows 10 comes to an end. 

Want to learn more so your business can be prepared? Here’s some important information you should know: 

Microsoft Will Offer Subscription Based Support Beyond the October 2025 Deadline  

For those who need more time, Microsoft has announced that they will be offering subscription-based support for Windows 10 users beyond their October 2025 deadline. 

Pricing will start off fairly inexpensive at a rate of $61 per device for the first year. Unfortunately, the price will double every year after and support will end altogether after 3 years. 

Users will also not have the option to jump into this plan on the second or third year, if they do the pricing will be cumulative. 

Older Systems Will Not Be Compatible with Windows 11 

Older systems will not be eligible to upgrade to Windows 11. The recommended lifespan for a computer is 5 years, so if your device is that age or older then it’s probably time to start looking into a replacement anyway. 

If you have several devices running on Windows 10 then it’s probably time to start coming up with a plan for upgrading or replacing. 
A good way to start this process is to perform a system inventory that includes the age of each device, as well as the specifications like CPU, RAM, model number, etc. This will help you determine which devices are compatible with Windows 11 and how many will need to be replaced in the near future. 

How We Can Help! 

If you would like assistance with this, we have IT support specialists in Ann Arbor who are available to help you upgrade your compatible systems to Windows 11. 

We sell laptops and computers, so we can also help with the process of performing a system inventory and help you replace any devices that are due to be upgraded. 

IT Support Specialists in Ann Arbor Are Here to Help You Navigate Windows 11

You have 15 months to prepare for the end of Windows 10! Don’t put it off for too long or else you could wind up dealing with some messy technical difficulties next fall. 

If you have any questions, or need help finding new systems that are compatible with Windows 11, our IT support specialists in Ann Arbor are only a phone call away!